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11mosaic3tykes 12mosaicsboysshards 13mosaicsbankerpurple
Little kids also helped with mosaics. You can see the original caddy shack in the background. At work on a shard mosiac. A volunteer banker from Smith Barney working on a shard mosiac of flamingos and sunset.
14mosaictrina1 15mosaictatlady 16motherdaughter
Trina is beginning a large mosaic panel. A mother-son team finishes a shard mosaic. A mother-daughter team at work
17paintivar 18hedgekit 19hedgeindia
All the cement surfaces on the course were freshly painted with custom mixed colors. The hedge was created by weaving artificial branches through the chain link fence. Hundreds of flowers made of plastic bags and beads were used to decorate the our chain link "hedge."
20hedgekatie1 21catmariacat 22cattonycat
Lots of kids helped make the flowers for the hedge. Creating the base of the caterpillar from a vent hose and chicken wire. High school community service volunteers help veneer the catepillar with leaves.